Continue to Have a Greay Day

Do you find yourself saying, "Have a great day" over and over again? Doesn't that get boring?

What if there was a way to say, "Have a great day" without actually saying "Have a great day?" Well, you've come to the right place.

In this article, we will be looking at 35 different ways to say, "Have a great day." These phrases can be used with a friend or relative, a spouse or significant other, a co-worker or client, and even with strangers.

Let's get started!

When wishing a friend or a relative, you can be creative and funny with the way you do it. You can even use another language to spice up the greeting a bit.

01 "Have a rock 'n roll day."

Rock 'n roll is a genre of music that is all about having fun and expressing yourself. Wishing a friend or relative a rock 'n roll day means you want them to have a good time or have fun.

grayscale photogrsphy man smiling striped tshirt rock n roll hands

Photo by Jono on Unsplash

02 "Peace out!"

This is slang that is popular among the younger generation. It means "goodbye" and tells the other person to have a peaceful/happy day.

It can also be accompanied by pounding your chest twice and throwing up a peace sign. It is good to use with friends or a relative in a very casual setting.

03 "Don't overdo it!"

When your friend or relative is going out to do something fun or exciting, you can use this phrase to wish them a good day. Depending on your tone, this can be taken as a joke or as serious advice.

04 "Hasta mañana."

When translated literally, "hasta mañana" means "see you tomorrow," but native Spanish speakers use it informally to mean "have a good day."

05 "No wild parties while I'm gone, mister!"

When you are leaving your friend or relative, this is a playful way to wish them a great day. Of course, this is not literal, so they will (hopefully!) take it as a joke.

women laughing holding drinking glasses

Photo by Michael Discenza on Unsplash

06 "So long!"

This is used at the end of a conversation to bid someone farewell and wish them a good time. This is best to use for a friend or relative, and it's easy to say and easy to remember.

07 "G'day, mate."

In Australia, this is used to say, "Hello! Good morning," and to wish someone a good day. When saying this phrase, try to use an Australian accent.

It doesn't matter whether your impersonation is good or not, it will surely make your friend or relative chuckle.

08 "Asalam walekum."

This is an Arabic phrase that translates to "Peace be upon you." It can be used to say both "Hello" and "Goodbye", and to wish a friend a good day.

09 "Buongiorno."

This is an Italian word that can mean anything from "Good morning/Goodnight" to "Have a good day." If you can manage to mimic an Italian accent, that's great, but if you can't, that's fine. The is a popular word.

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Photo by Tom Podmore on Unsplash

10 "Take it easy."

This phrase has many meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It can be used to calm someone's anger, ease nerves, or to tell them to slow down. It can also be used to wish someone a good day or say, "Goodbye." "Take it easy" lets your friend or relative know that you care about their well being.

When telling your spouse or significant other to "Have a great day," you might want to be more intimate than funny.

11 "Don't miss me too much."

Even if you will be gone for just a few hours, your significant other is going to miss you. You can use this phrase to poke fun at the situation and help make them feel better. It says, "Perk up and enjoy your day."

woman flying kiss sun glasses man yellow polo

Photo by Henry Gillis on Unsplash

12 "Try to survive without me."

This is another phrase that pokes fun at your significant other missing you. Of course they won't perish when you are not there, but it lets them know that they should try to look at the bright side and have a great day regardless.

woman pointing ocean riding inflatable float sky

Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash

13 "I hope your day goes well."

This simple phrase is good to use when you can't think of anything fancy to say. It means the same thing as "Have a nice day", only in different words.

14 "Have a happy day."

This is a good alternative because the essence is the same. This is good to say to a spouse or significant other because it reminds them that you want them to be happy.

15 "Today's going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!"

This is good to use when your significant other is feeling doubtful or nervous about something. It can help to lift their spirits and boost confidence.

16 "I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile."

This works as both a well wish for a good day and as a compliment that will have them smiling bigger and brighter than before you said it.

woman holding watermelon

Photo by Caju Gomes on Unsplash

17 "Promise me you'll have a good time."

If your significant other is about to do something that they are dreading, this asks them to try to enjoy the day for your sake.

18 "I hope you have the best day today."

This is a simple phrase that suggests that you are hoping for your partner to have a joyous day.

19 "I know you'll have a fantastic night with me tonight, but do me a favor and have a good day too."

This one is very flirty, and it will help your partner feel better knowing that they have something to look forward to at the end of the day.

20 "Enjoy your time-off from me!"

This is a good message when said in a lighthearted manner. It is good to use when you are going to be separated from your partner for a very long time, and you want to cheer them up about it. Cracking this joke will do the trick.

women swimming pool taking photo inflatable flamango

Photo by Ramin Mirzəyev on Unsplash

When telling a co-worker or a client to have a good day, you will want to be a bit more formal and professional in the way you say it.

Here are 8 handpicked examples for you.

21 "Don't work too hard."

If you have a close or friendly relationship with a co-worker, this will lighten the mood.

woman biting pencil sitting on chair looking laptop ballpens table

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

22 "Wishing you a productive day."

In the business world, a "Good" or "Great" day is a productive one. This is perfect to use for either a co-worker or a client in an email, card or in person, and it's very formal.

23 "I hope all goes well today."

This is good to use on a client who you have just closed a deal with, a co-worker who is headed into a meeting or presentation, or a colleague who is waiting for news of a promotion.

It shows that you are rooting for them without coming off as presumptuous.

24 "Have an A+ day."

An "A+" day in the business world is one where things run smoothly, quotas are met, and everyone gets their job done on time. This is good to use with a co-worker, especially if they are new and need a confidence boost.

group of people watching fireworks

Photo by Zuza Gałczyńska on Unsplash

25 "Have a two coffee day!"

Anyone who works in an office knows that things can get hectic and draining. A stressful day can turn one morning coffee into three or four cups, and, by then, everyone is high-strung, which can lead to more chaos.

It is a good bit of office humor to use with a co-worker who you consider to be a friend.

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

26 "Don't worry, it's one day closer to the weekend."

Who doesn't hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or any other day that isn't the weekend?

Saying this to a co-worker who is looking gloomy or who is in a work-funk can help to make them feel better and have a better day.

selective focus person holding tray of foods woman lying on bed

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

27 "Good luck today!"

This phrase can apply to a specific situation such as an interview or meeting, but it can also be used generally to wish a co-worker a lucky day.

28 "I hope today is better than yesterday."

Saying this does not necessarily mean that yesterday was a bad day. It can simply mean that even though yesterday was very good, you want today to be even better for them. It shows that you are supportive of your co-worker.

Every now and then we stop to exchange words with a stranger or offer/receive assistance with something.

Afterward, you can simply say "Thank you" and "Have a good day," or you can use one of the 7 examples below.

29 "You have yourself a good one!"

This is a way to say both "Goodbye" and "Have a great day" to someone you barely know. It implies a friendly, easy-going tone.

girl holding white rabbit

Photo by William Daigneault on Unsplash

30 "Enjoy the rest of your day."

After a conversation with a stranger, this is a good thing to say because it is simple and straightforward. This comment suggests that you want them to enjoy the rest of their day. Simple as that.

31 "May your day be joyful."

When you receive assistance from a stranger, this is a good 2-in-1 way to show gratitude to tell them to have a great day.

32 "Have a pleasant day."

The meaning is the same. You're just using another word to replace the word "Great."

33 "I bid you good day, sir/ma'am."

This is a playful way to say "Goodbye" to a stranger who you have exchanged words with. This pleasantry is an Old English way of saying "Goodbye" and to have a good day.

woman smiling peace sign sunglasses bridge tree

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

34 "Have a blessed day."

Use this phrase when a stranger has helped you to do something. You are wishing more than just a great day, but a blessed day filled with joy, peace and good fortune.

35 "Take care."

Similar to "Take it easy," but this one can mean that they should be careful, especially if you had to help with something such as dropped books, moving a heavy object, or giving sensitive advice.

With so many ways to say, "Have a great day," you'll never become a boring or predictable conversationalist or run out of things to say.

The best part about these alternatives is that you can say them when you are face-to-face with the other person, via text, or in an email.


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